Affordable Housing Proposed After Inn Denial, Property Owner Has New Plan

Proposed Wykeham Terrace
Proposed Wykeham Terrace

“WASHINGTON, Conn. — The owner of the former Wykeham Rise School will present plans to the Zoning Commission on Monday for a housing complex that will include affordable units, according to town officials.

Property owner Matthew Klauer had filed an appeal in Litchfield Superior Court last month to overturn a 3-2 zoning board decision denying his application for a 44-room inn and spa on Wykeham Road, with the majority of members calling the project unsuitable for the 27-acre residential site.

Klauer could not be reached for comment Friday.

Land Use Coordinator Janet Hill said that Klauer’s attorney called Thursday to request that he be placed on the agenda for Monday’s 7:30 p.m. Zoning Commission meeting to discuss preliminary plans for an affordable housing development. No plans were submitted, Hill said.

In addition, Hill said Klauer had requested an opportunity to discuss the proposal with the Inland Wetlands Commission at 7 p.m. Wednesday.

The Inland Wetlands Commission approved the inn with conditions Nov. 5. Eric and Wendy Federer, a married couple who live adjacent to the property, filed a lawsuit Nov. 25 to appeal the decision. Klauer had sued the couple in August to counter their claim that they own property rights restricting the development.

The Federers could not be reached for comment Friday.”