Proud to Support Camella’s Cupboard

We are proud to support Camella’s Cupboard and encourage you to do the same.  This is a great great program happening in new Milford!

There is an African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child.  The “Village” of New Milford is teaming up to provide lunch and supplemental week-end nutrition to youth in need this summer.

New Milford schools have a 30% free and reduced lunch rate, with another 22% of families slightly over the threshold, but still in need.  Many of these family’s students receive meals during the school year, but not during the summer. This forces already tight food budgets to be stretched further to provide summer meals for their children.  Add to that traditionally declining food pantry donations during the summer and you’ll understand why summer is deemed “the hungriest time of the year.”

The New Milford Mayor’s Office, the New Milford Board of Education and New Milford Public Schools, United Way of Greater New Milford, Loaves and Fishes, New Milford Social Services, New Milford Youth Agency, New Milford Hospital, the Community Culinary School, the New Milford Clergy Association, MVP-SOS, and the Women’s Club of Greater New Milford are proud to announce the New Milford Summer Lunch Bunch Program.  There are several components to the program including:

  • Beginning Monday, July 2nd and running through Tuesday, August 29th, families in need can pick up bagged lunches for their children every weekday morning from 7:00-9:00 am at the New Milford Public Schools Lillis Administration Building – 50 East Street, New Milford, CT.
  • Every Friday, a weekend food pack will be given to families as well as provided to families in need at local daycares and summer camps.​
  • The New Milford Board of Education will be providing two free family meal opportunities. Watch for additional details.

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