Regulations & Applications

In order to help you with your next land use project, Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. has made available our collection of the various regulations, guidelines, and application materials pertaining to local, state, and federal land use permitting. These documents can be used to help you better understand the procedures and factors that may play a part in your next land use project.

Please take a look at the materials provided to gain a better understanding of the rules, regulations, and guidelines that may come in to play on your next land use project. These materials have been organized by jurisdiction in the list below:

This page includes copies of application forms and regulations for each Town in Litchfield County! This includes material as it relates to the Board of Selectmen, Building Department, Planning & Zoning Department, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission, Public Works Department, Water Pollution Control Authority, Historic District Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals.

This page includes information on various departments including the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, CT Department of Environmental Protection as well as various manual and design tools that are readily available online.

This page includes links to federal agencies that you may have to deal with as part of the land use permitting process.

If you have any questions regarding the interpretation of any local, state, and federal land use rules, regulations, or guidelines, or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to working with you on your next land use project!