Our firm recently received approval from the Town of New Milford, CT Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission to divert the surface water which was polluting the drinking water wells of the Carmen Hill Terrace – Carmen Hill Orchard Water Company located at Gretl Lane in New Milford, Connecticut. Our office provided detailed grading plans with associated drainage to ensure that the surface water would be directed away from all potable wells. Furthermore, the potential for erosion and sedimentation was eliminated by performing detailed calculations which specified the type of erosion control blankets needed in the bottom of the swales to provide for their long term performance.
Our firm performed the following services for this project: Property Survey, Topographic Survey, Hydrology & Stormwater Management, Stormwater System Design, Culvert Analysis & Design, Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plans,Roadway Design, Low Impact Development, Wetland Soil & Watercourse Delineation, Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting.
Click Here to learn more about the services we offer. Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. is a full service civil engineering, land surveying, land use planning and environmental services firm. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to find out how we can assist you with your next project.