Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. (AHH) recently completed the as-built for the new Dunkin Donuts located at 370 Danbury Road in New Milford, Connecticut. AHH was responsible for all the following services for this project: Topographic Survey, Zoning Location Survey, Hydrology & Stormwater Management, Stormwater System Design, Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plans, Septic System Design, Utility Layout, Driveway Design, Sight Distance Analysis, Parking Lot Layout & Design, Traffic Circulation & Studies, Cuts & Fills Analysis, Low Impact Development, Wetland Soil & Watercourse Delineation, Soil Investigation & Testing, Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to have us assist you with your next project.
Working hand in hand with the client, Bridgewater Funding, LLC and contractor, Winchester Modular Housing, Howland & Associates was able to accelerate the approval process for the first Dunkin Donuts with a drive through in New Milford. By accelerating the approval process, the client was able to complete construction just prior to snowfall enabling Dunkin Donuts to open as quickly as possible.