There are three interveners involved with this application – Jason Zweig, Ann Price and Donna Buffin. Mr. Zweig, speaking for the interveners and for the local organization Conserve Sherman introduced engineer Marc Goodin to critique the application.
First Mr. Goodin objected to the fact that the environmental report was missing and therefore it is an incomplete application. Mr. Gooden had several objections to the detention ponds which he feels are inadequate in size. He said that one must first determine water volume to see how much detention basin is needed. Further the basins do not have a safety bench for children since there will always be 3 feet to 4 feet of water in the bottom of the pond.
Also there is no aquatic bench for a wetlands marsh which is very important for plants that cleanse the water. One of the ponds does not have an access road and that one exceed standards for slope. Town engineer Joe Zarecki was present at the regular IWC meeting of the previous week and made suggestions about the detention basins. He remarked at the congested area of the detention ponds and the congestion at the entrance area. He called the basins “not too pretty”.
Mr. Goodin also thinks that drainage from two lots will go into the vernal pools and there will be a major disturbance from the road, half of which is in the wetlands or a buffer zone. He said that a 4400 ft road that crosses three water courses and a wetland for only eighteen lots is excessive. This engineer feels that the project will substantially increase the volume of water leaving the parcel and pointed out that the parcel rises over 300 feet in elevation.
Mr. Goodin told the Commissioners that just because there is a design “there are some parcels that should not be developed”. He called it a very difficult parcel with 50% of the land in wetlands buffer area and with three vernal pools and several streams.
Frank Keller who lives on the other side of Anderson Road voiced concern about the brook by his property that will get a great deal of runoff. Town engineer Joe Zarecki will have his report complete by the next continuation of the Public Hearing. Commissioner Linda Berger said that all information must be in by the next meeting or “We will deny”.
Chairman Tom Zinn announced that Commissioner Margery Josephson has recused herself from the Farview application and Alternate Mickey Goldfine will be taking her place. The Commission is missing two alternates who when appointed will not be able to participate in Farview matters. There are seven members of the Commission who are available to hear this application but only four were present for these presentations. The other three will be required to listen to the disc.
Carol Faure – Citizen News