36 Apartments Approved in New Milford!

Fort Hill Gardens
36 Unit Apartment Complex

Our firm recently assisted Fort Hill Gardens, LLC to obtain all building permits as it relates to their proposed 36 unit apartment complex to be located along the bucolic Fort Hill road in New Milford, Connecticut.  The apartments will be 2 bedrooms each and include a complimentary dedicated parking space in the parking garages.  This project is one of the first projects in the state to have a “green roof.”  There is an underground parking garage which connects two of the apartment buildings.  In order to minimize impervious surfaces the area of the roof of that parking garage will be covered with succulent plants and other vegetation making it a “green roof.”  For more information about the opening date and rental information please contact Joe Enright at (203) 948-8677.

Our firm performed the following services for this project: Topographic Survey, ALTA Survey, Zoning Location Survey, Hydrology & Stormwater Management, Stormwater System Design, Culvert Analysis & Design, Sedimentation & Erosion Control PlansSanitary Sewer Design, Utility Layout, Driveway Design, Sight Distance Analysis, Parking Lot Layout & Design, Traffic Circulation & Studies, Cuts & Fills Analysis, Low Impact Development, Wetland Soil & Watercourse Delineation, Soil Investigation & Testing, Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to have us assist you with your next project.

Click Here to learn more about the services we offer. Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. is a full service civil engineering, land surveying, land use planning and environmental services firm. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to find out how we can assist you with your next project.