Local State Federal Permitting

Services: Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting

Does the thought of taking a land development project through local, state, and federal permitting processes give you nightmares? You are not alone! Navigating your way through the various land use permits for a development project can be an exhausting and daunting experience requiring numerous hours and resources. While the staff in your local municipalities can provide knowledge and point you to resources that can help you, there is only so much guidance they can provide. Don’t you wish there was someone to take you through the process? Well guess what? There is…

The The land surveyingplanningcivil engineering, andenvironmental service professionals of Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. are here to help you obtain the pertinent local, state, and federal land use permits necessary for you to achieve your dreams of developing a project tailored to your needs that also meets all local, state, and federal regulations and guidelines. During the planning and design stages of a project, the staff of Arthur H. Howland & Associates works with you, the client, in determining exactly what permits will be required on a project. One we determine the permits required to construct a project, we then develop a set of site development plans which we will submit and present to all regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the project. Following the submission and presentation of the site development plans, the regulatory agencies review the submitted plans for compliance with their regulations. Ideally, if the plans submitted and presented to an agency meet that agency’s criteria for approval then the project will be approved. Typically, however, reviewing agencies offer comments regarding a design asking for revisions to be made to make them more comfortable with the project. Once our office receives comments regarding a project, we then work with the client and and any other project team members to make the necessary changes to the site development plans to address each of reviewing agency’s comments. This iterative process, which often requires some discussion and back and forth with the reviewing agency, usually yields an approval and a project in which all parties involved are comfortable.

Whether you are looking to build an addition to your home, involved on a committee to renovate a school, or developing the next great mixed use development, the staff of Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. can lead you through what sometimes seems like the endless maze of permits and approvals. Contact us at (860) 354-9346 to discuss our proven track record of taking projects from the initial planning stages through the land use approvals process.

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