Board of Selectmen Permits & Ordinances: Washington, Connecticut (CT)
The Town of Washington Board of Selectmen is charged with the oversight of driveway permits as well as the use of the Pavilion and Bryan Memorial Town Hall.
Below please find various application forms and ordinances:
Washington Application for Driveway Permit
The Town of Washington Board of Selectmen oversee the approval of driveway permits. This document is the actual driveway permit application. This also details the Town of Washington Driveway Ordinance.
Washington Application for Use of Bryan Memorial Town Hall
This document must be filled out if you would like to use the Bryan Memorial Town Hall for an event.
Washington Application for Town Pavilion
This document must be filled out if you would like to use the Town Pavilion down at the Washington Primary School for an event.
Washington Constable Ordinance
This document is the Constable Ordinance which allows the appointment of constables in the Town of Washington.
Washington Ordinance Establishing Building and Property Commission
This document is the Ordinance allowing the establishment of the Building and Property Commission.
Washington Lake Waramaug Boat Ordinance
This document is the Ordinance allowing the inspection of boats at he Washington Boat Launch that services Lake Waramaug.
Washington Ordinance Establishing Fines for Zoning Regulation Violations
This document is the Ordinance giving the Zoning Enforcement Officer the authority to fine people and businesses for violations of the Zoning Regulations.
Washington Ordinance Establishing the Open Space and Land Acquisition Fund
This document is the Ordinance allowing the establishment of the Open Space and Land Acquisition Fund.
Washington Ordinance Establishing Tax Relief for Elderly and Disabled Homeowners
This document is the Ordinance allowing the establishment of application for tax relief for those who are elderly or disabled.
Washington Ordinance Regarding the Taking of Property by Eminent Domain
This document is the Ordinance which gives specific requirements for the Town to consider taking property by eminent domain.
Washington Transfer Station Ordinance
This document is the Ordinance related to the Transfer Station. This document also gives the fees for the use of the Town of Washington Transfer Station.
If you have any questions regarding the interpretation of a local land use regulation or application or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to speaking with you!
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Washington Building Department Regulations & Application Forms
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Washington Health Department Regulations & Application Forms
Washington Planning Regulations & Application Forms:
Washington Board of Selectmen Regulations & Application Forms
Washington Conservation Commission Forms
Washington Historic District Commission Regulations & Application Forms
Washington Zoning Board of Appeals Regulations & Application Forms
Please note that you should always contact the Town of Washington to determine if the Regulations and/or application forms have recently changed.