Planning & Zoning Regulations & Applications: Sharon, Connecticut (CT)
The purpose of the Planning & Zoning Commission is to guide the growth and development of the Town of Sharon so as to promote beneficial and convenient relationships among residential, commercial, industrial and public areas within the town in accordance with Section 8 of the Connecticut General Statutes and the Town of Sharon Planning & Zoning Regulations. Planning & Zoning is responsible for the issuance of permits related to commercial projects as well as additions or accessory structures.
The function of the Town of Sharon Planning & Zoning Commission includes but is not limited to: adopt, amend and administer the Subdivision Regulations, deciding upon applications for approval of subdivision or resubdivision plans; to adopt and amend the Towns Plan of Conservation and Development, to review and make recommendations on all proposed municipal improvements.
Permits are typically required for: new buildings, structures and accessory structures, home occupations, signs, tennis and other sports courts, swimming pools, fences, patios, decks, remodeling that will change a buildings use, proposed uses of existing and proposed buildings and properties, such as commercial uses.
Below please find various application forms and the actual Town of Sharon Zoning Regulations. If you have any questions relative to whether your proposed activity requires a zoning permit, please do not hesitate to contact us at (860) 354-9346 so that we may assist you. We also offer full service land use permitting where we handle the entire permitting process from beginning to end.
This will be updated soon.
Sharon Plan of Conservation and Development
The Town of Sharon Plan of Conservation and Development , adopted 2006, provides a framework of needs, policies, actions and priorities that will guide community decision makers on land-use management, community facilities development, parks and recreation, open space and environmental conservation, transportation and traffic improvement, utilities services and economic development. At least once every ten years the Commission must prepare or amend, and must adopt a Plan of Conservation and Development.
Sharon Natural Resource Inventory
In 2005, the Town of Sharon took on the task of providing a resource inventory of various natural and man-made resources that make up the Town of Sharon. This document was seen as a planning tool for future development and provides recommendations for future study.
Sharon Application for Scenic Road Designation
This application and associated procedure must be followed for anyone wishing to propose their road as a scenic road.
Connecticut Public Act 05-124
This Act states that an applicant cannot file a permit application other than for interior work in an existing building or for exterior work that does not expand or alter the footprint of an existing building if the subject property is encumbered by a conservation restriction or preservation restriction. Please read the above Act fully to ensure that your permit will not be unnecessarily overturned if it is to be appealed.
If you have any questions regarding the interpretation of a local land use regulation or application or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to speaking with you!
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Sharon Building Department Regulations & Application Forms
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Sharon Health Department Regulations & Application Forms
Sharon Board of Selectmen Regulations & Application Forms
Sharon Zoning Board of Appeals Regulations & Application Forms
Sharon Historic District Commission Regulations & Application Forms
Please note that you should always contact the Town of Sharon to determine if the Regulations and/or application forms have recently changed.