Swimming Pool Permit Application & Requirements: New Milford, Connecticut (CT)
Below please find the required forms and requirements that must be met per the Town of New Milford Building Department to construct a swimming pool. If you have any questions relative to whether your proposed activity requires a Building Department permit, please do not hesitate to contact us at (860) 354-9346 so that we may assist you. We also offer full service land use permitting where we handle the entire permitting process from beginning to end. We greatly encourage you to perform a survey of your property prior to the installation of your swimming pool to ensure that you meet the applicable setbacks before you begin construction.
New Milford Swimming Pool Permit Application
This document is required for anyone that would like to construct a swimming pool in the Town of New Milford.
New Milford Application for Mechanical Permit
This permit must be filled out when you are performing any electrical work or the construction of a deck relative to the installation of the swimming pool.
State of Connecticut Building Code Relative to Swimming Pool Enclosures
This document details the Connecticut Building Code’s requirements relative to swimming pool enclosures. Read this document thoroughly and carefully prior to installing the enclosure to your swimming pool.
New Milford Swimming Pool Enclosure Agreement
This form must be filled out to certify that a pool alarm and pool enclosure will be installed per the Connecticut State Building Code and applicable Connecticut General Statutes.
New Milford Swimming Pool Permit Approval Requirements
This form must be signed off by the applicable departments prior to request for a swimming pool permit from the Building Department. This ensures that prior to the issuance of a permit you have met the applicable requirements of the other land use departments.
New Milford Certificate of Occupancy Completion Sign Off List
Prior to applying for your certificate of occupancy, you must get the signature of various departments (i.e. – zoning, wetlands, fire marshal, etc.) which ensure that you followed the applicable plans that you had presented to each department.
New Milford Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide
This document provides 20 pages of instructions and guidance as to how to construct a deck in accordance with the various building codes.
Instructions for Worker’s Compensation Forms That Must be Filled Out
This document provides instructions as to which Worker’s Compensation Forms must be filled out dependent on the situation. Section 31-286b of the Workers’ Compensation Act requires anyone who requests a building permit to first submit “proof of workers’ compensation coverage for all of the employees who are engaged to perform services on the site of the construction project for which the permit was issued.” The only exceptions to this law are the sole proprietor or property owner who will not be acting as general contractor or principal employer.
Worker’s Compensation Form – 7A
The Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who will not act as a general contractor or principal employer is not required to have workers’ compensation coverage. In order to obtain the building permit, a FORM 7A should be completed and given to the building official.
Worker’s Compensation Form – 7B
The Sole Proprietor or Property Owner who act as a general contractor or a principal employer must provide a written certificate of workers’ compensation insurance for all of the employees on their project and must file a FORM 7B with the building official -OR he will sign a sworn notarized affidavit on FORM 7B, stating that he will require proof of workers’ compensation insurance for all those employed on the job site.
Worker’s Compensation Form – 7C
The General Contractor or Principal Employer who has properly excluded himself from coverage using the appropriate WCC form must file the FORM 7C with the building official. This form certifies that they have properly excluded themselves, and attests that they will require proof of workers’ compensation insurance from every employee that works on the designated job site.
Connecticut Public Act 05-124
This Act states that an applicant cannot file a permit application other than for interior work in an existing building or for exterior work that does not expand or alter the footprint of an existing building if the subject property is encumbered by a conservation restriction or preservation restriction. Please read the above Act fully to ensure that your permit will not be unnecessarily overturned if it is to be appealed.
If you have any questions regarding the interpretation of a local land use regulation or application or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to speaking with you!
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New Milford Building Department Regulations & Application Forms
New Milford Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Regulations & Application Forms:
New Milford Zoning Regulations & Application Forms:
New Milford Health Department Regulations & Application Forms
New Milford Planning Regulations & Application Forms:
New Milford Department of Public Works Regulations & Application Forms
New Milford Water Pollution Control Authority Regulations & Application Forms
New Milford Zoning Board of Appeals Regulations & Application Forms
Please note that you should always contact the Town of New Milford to determine if the Regulations and/or application forms have recently changed.