Wetlands Approval Granted for 2 Lots in Washington, CT!

Our firm recently received wetlands approval for a 2 lot subdivision at Nichols Road in Washington, CT.

2 Lot Subdivision Plans
2 Lot Subdivision Plans

This approval required a wetlands crossing which was granted by the town of Washington Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission.  An existing historic house along Nichol’s Road will be preserved and the proposed house will be screened from the existing home topographically and by existing vegetation.  The proposed home site overlooks a gentle babbling brook and a swimming hole which will be enjoyed on hot summer days.  Approvals have also been received from the Health Department for a 5 bedroom, approximately 6,000 square foot home.

In order to cross the wetlands our firm proposed a “seepage enevelope” to minimie impacts to the wetlands resource. A detail is attached so that you may gain a better understanding of what a seepage envelope is. 

Seepage Envelope Detail
Seepage Envelope Detail

The seepage envelope is constructed by removing all organic materials.  A layer of filter fabric is then placed on the existing sub-soil to prevent the upward migration of the native material.  On top of the filter fabric a layer of crushed, washed stone is placed.  This allows the wetlands on the uphill and downhill side to be hydraulically connected.  On top of the stone another filter fabric layer is placed.  The necessary fill and processed stone is then placed on the filter fabric.  The fabric prevents the fines above from clogging the crushed stone.  Please contact us to learn more about seepage envelops and wetlands crossing.  No two sites are the same and we have a number of applications that can be utilized depending on the particular site.

Our firm performed the following services for this project: Property Survey, Topographic Survey, Hydrology & Stormwater Management, Stormwater System Design, Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plans, Septic System Design, Utility Layout, Driveway Design, Sight Distance Analysis, Low Impact Development, Wetland Soil & Watercourse Delineation, Soil Investigation & Testing, Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to have us assist you with your next project.

Click Here to learn more about the services we offer. Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. is a full service civil engineering, land surveying, land use planning and environmental services firm.