Property As Built Surveys

Services: Property As-Built Surveys

property as-built surveyMany municipalities require that a Property As-Built Survey be performed following construction on a site and prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. A Property As-Built Survey typically involves locating new and existing structures, utilities, driveways, septic systems, wells, and other improvements to ensure that a site was built according to the site plan approved by the municipality’s land use agencies. The boundaries depicted on a Property As-Built Survey Map may be based on existing mapping that first must be confirmed to be correct. Otherwise, a survey of the entire property must be performed to serve as the base map for theProperty As-Built Survey.

If you are involved in a construction project, chances are that a Property As-Built Survey will be required by the local municipality to ensure that the improvements were constructed according to the approved plans. The land surveying field and office staff of Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. is adept in quickly and cost-effectively generating and delivering accurate Property As-Built Surveys to their clients. Since municipalities may differ on exactly what must be shown on a Property As-Built Survey, we tailor every every survey according to these local requirements. Contact us at (860) 354-9346 so that we can lead you through the process.

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