Compilation Surveys

Services: Compilation Surveys

picture of surveyor looking at mapCompilation Surveys, or Class “D” Maps, can be prepared when there is sufficient existing mapping around the entire subject property. This mapping may include information in the form of actual survey maps or adequate boundary descriptions in deeds. In both cases, the source of each boundary line utilized must be proven as being reasonably justified in order to be relied upon to compile a map. It is important to note that these compilation survey maps may not require field work to be performed. As such, the surveyor assumes no responsibility for showing correct boundaries. Compilation survey maps should not be used for property conveyance or for mapping that shows location with relation to a property line.

Compilation survey maps, which sometimes include topography and general layout of an existing site, may be utilized as base maps for initial phases of site development planning and design to determine the relationship with other properties and existing site features. While a limited records research must be performed, compilation surveys can be prepared at a fraction of the cost of other types of surveys.

The land surveying team at Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. has a great deal of experience in developing compilationsurvey mapping for clients. If you are potentially interested in developing a piece of property or determining the approximate limits of a property, contact us at (860) 354-9346 to determine if a compilation survey is right for you.

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