Sewer Design

Services: Sanitary Sewer Design

picture of sewer manholeAs towns and cities grow, wastewater disposal and treatment needs tend to shift from the use of private septic systems to municipal or community sewer systems. Sanitary sewer systems have unique design standards that may vary between municipalities. These design standards are usually set forth and enforced by the municipality’s Water Pollution Control Authority or similar local agency.

The engineering and support staff of Arthur H. Howland Associates, P.C. have a great deal of experience in the realm of planning and designing sanitary sewer mains.We work closely with the various local Planning Commissions and Water Pollution Control Authorities to ensure that any proposed sanitary sewer systems are consistent with the municipality’s vision of growth and designed to meet the design standards set forth.

Whether you are looking to connect your house to an existing sewer main, extend a sanitary sewer main to your community, or planning a development that will make use of an existing sanitary sewer main, we can help you with the process. Contact us at (860) 354-9346 to discuss how Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. can provide a key role in planning and designing a sanitary sewer system for your upcoming project.

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