Services: Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plans
During construction activities, areas of a site are disturbed and vegetation is removed leaving the exposed portions of the site susceptible to erosion and sediment transport during a rain storm. In order to prevent the passage of sediment to downgradient watercourses and waterbodies, it is necessary to develop a site specific Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plan for every proposed site development plan. A Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plan outlines the measures necessary to minimize the erosion potential of a site and prevent the passage of sediment transported by runoff during a rainstorm to downhill water resources, drainage systems, and properties.
Examples of Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures include but are not limited to silt fence, haybales, anti-tracking pads (construction entrances), sediment traps, sediment basins, water bars, establishment of vegetation, and check dams. These measures are typically temporary in nature and are meant to be utilized during the construction of a site. Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures are also usually the first aspect of a site development plan that are installed on a site and are maintained throughout the construction of a project until the site is vegetated and stabilized and no longer susceptible to excessive erosion. Development of a construction sequence and construction phasing (for larger projects) are also key components of any Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plan. The 2002 Connecticut Guidelines for Soil Erosion & Sediment Control as published by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection provides information to government agencies and the public regarding soil erosion and sediment control. These guidelines serve as the technical standard to be complied with in many municipal planning and zoning regulations as well as many permits issued by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
The staff of Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. ensures that every site development plan makes appropriate provisions for Sedimentation & Erosion Control as recommended by the 2002 Connecticut Guidelines for Soil Erosion & Sediment Control. If you are in need of a Sedimentation & Erosion Control professional for a current or upcoming project, contact us at (860) 354-9346 to discuss how Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. can provide cost effective, project specific solutions that fit your needs.