Services: Cuts & Fills Analysis
One important aspect of a site development plan is the determination of how much earth material will need to be moved to construct a proposed project. While It is usually desirable to have the amount of material excavated (cut) to meet the amount of material placed (fill), due to the large costs associated with moving earthen material, there are times when having a balanced site is not desirable. For example, excess material may need to be removed from the site to meet a client’s overall vision or the material does not meet structural backfill requirements. Since most municipalities have set limits on the amount of material that can be removed from or brought on to a site, additional permitting may be required if earthwork volumes exceed set limits.
To help you through the earthwork estimation and potential permitting processes, the engineering staff at Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. perform cuts and fills analyses for all projects using up to date software and methodologies. In addition, our staff also offers the ability to estimate the amount of rock needed to be removed from a site when ledge is encountered in the area of a proposed building or improvement to a site.
No matter what your earthwork estimating needs, contact us at (860) 354-9346 to discuss how we can help you to quickly and accurately estimate earthwork volumes for your project.