One of the functions of the State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection is to oversee larger land use projects which may have the potential for adverse impacts on the environment. This page provides information on the most common land use permits administered by the Department of Environmental Protection. If you have any questions in regards to the permitting process, please feel free to contact us at (860) 354-9346.
Please take a look at the various State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection land use rules, regulations, and guidelines provided below:
DEP Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems
This page contains information on the design process for subsurface sewage disposal systems (septic systems) overseen by the COnnecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities Permit
In Connecticut all larger construction activities that result in stormwater runoff are regulated by the Department of Environmental Protection. One way these activities are regulated is by the Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities permit process. This permit is a general permit issued by the DEP and covers construction activities resulting in discharges of stormwater and dewatering wastewater. The permit applies to any project that results in the disturbance of one or more total acres of land area regardless of project phasing.
Under the rules contained within the general permit, registration with the DEP is not required if the stormwater plan is reviewed and approved by the town and the disturbed land area is between one and five acres regardless of project phasing. If the plan is not reviewed and approved by the town, or if the disturbed land area is greater than five acres, registration with the DEP is required. Documentation required in the registration application is spelled out in Section 6 of the permit documentation.
Permittees should be aware that the general permit is not a blanket permit for all situations. For example, contained within the general permit is included regulations regarding possible stormwater discharges into tidal regions. These discharges are not covered under the general permit and must be separately permitted under the Structures and Dredging Act or the Tidal Wetlands Act.
Registration, if needed, should be filed with the DEP at least 30 days prior to any construction activity. The registration fee is $500. If a stormwater plan is submitted for review along with the registration request, an additional $500 fee is required.
After construction has ended, the permit remains in effect until a Notice of Termination is filed with the DEP. The notice cannot be filed until 3 months after all construction work has ceased and the site has fully stabilized. Under the general permit, a site is not fully stabilized until there is no active erosion and no areas remain disturbed. Fully stabilized areas should be inspected at least once a month for three months before the Notice of Termination can be filed and approved.
The Stormwater and Dewatering Wastewaters from Construction Activities permit allows all parties involved, regardless of project size, to ensure that stormwater runoff does not create environmental problems during the construction process.
Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Commercial Activity
If you own commercial property in Connecticut, you may need to register for a Stormwater Associated with Commercial Activity Permit. This permit is for the discharge of stormwater from places of business. Any business or entity located within the entire State of Connecticut which will discharge stormwater from their location, provided the stormwater discharge is not covered under any other permit, is not being conveyed to a publicly owned treatment works or is discharged to ground water, must submit an application for the General Permit For The Discharge of Stormwater Associated With Commercial Activity for each site from which water will be discharged. If a person or entity leases or otherwise operates a business from a separate owner, the operator or lessee is responsible for completing the application.
In order to apply for this permit a business will need to complete the appropriate application form, which may be obtained herefrom the Connecticut State website. The owner/operator’s personal information will need to be supplied, along with general information on the company or business. The person completing the application for the stormwater discharge permit will need to be knowledgeable about the location of the nearest watershed and wetlands, as well as where the water will be discharged from and to, and the quantity of water to be discharged. Applicants will need to enclose a copy of the USGS Quadrangle Map, illustrating all water conveyances, along with the completed permit application and the appropriate fee (not less than $250) within 180 days before discharge begins. Within 180 days after the permit is granted, the owner/operator must develop, submit, and implement a stormwater management plan.
The purpose for the discharge permit issued by the Department of Environmental Protection is to regulate stormwater runoff. In order to be granted the permit, the discharged water must be free of oil, debris, and other pollutants. What sort of water may be allowed to be discharged is strictly regulated to help ensure the health and cleanliness of local groundwater and wetlands. There are certain maintenance requirements for cleaning of parking lots and equipment which must be adhered to in order to sustain eligibility for the general discharge permit.
Connecticut General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit
Regulatory fines or reports of environmental violations greatly impact not only the financial well being of a company but its reputation as well. Industry in Connecticut, as well as nationwide, must diligently adhere to environmental regulations and permitting requirements to remain successful. One such permit is the Connecticut General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit.
Permit Background
In an effort to protect surface water quality in the United States, the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers a permit program called the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). The NPDES program limits water pollution into U.S. waters by regulating point sources which discharge directly to surface waters. Municipal and industrial facilities often present pollution risks simply by the nature of various onsite activities. Controlling such risk is vital to the success of the NPDES program. Many individual state regulatory agencies are charged with ensuring that facilities within the agency’s respective state show compliance with the NPDES program elements. Stormwater, or precipitation runoff, is only one such regulated NPDES program element.
The state of Connecticut is authorized to administer the NPDES permit program within the state. Connecticut’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulates industrial activities as they relate to water quality. The General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit defines regulations and sets forth the requirements which industrial facilities must incorporate into operations to demonstrate compliance and protect the quality of discharged stormwater.
Eligibility and Purpose
According to environmental regulations and definitions, the General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit requires the registration of industrial facilities from 11 specified categories which discharge waters to either a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) or directly to U.S. waters. Facilities from any of the regulated categories of industrial activity, except construction operations, may alternately certify to a condition of “no exposure” if the facility’s industrial materials and operations are not exposed to stormwater. A condition of certified “no exposure” eliminates the need for a stormwater permit and associated monitoring.
The Connecticut General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit is, as its name implies, a broad scope, general permit. The general permit requirements are standard for a broad range of industries regarding requirements, monitoring and reporting. The nature and activities of some industrial operations require more specific, or individual, stormwater permits which often mandate additional monitoring, restrictions or reporting.
In accordance with federal and state regulations, the overall purpose of Connecticut’s General Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities Permit is to monitor industrial activities and ensure that registered facilities operate in accordance with safe and ethical environmental practices.
If you have any questions regarding the interpretation of the above State of Connecticut rules, regulations, and guidelines, or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to working with you!