Economic Development Regulations & Applications: Thomaston, Connecticut (CT)
The Town of Thomaston promotes economic development by offering the following incentives and programs:
Ordinance Establishing Tax Incentive Program
This Town Ordinance creates an incentive to attract and retain business in Town.
Tax Incentive Application
This is the application to apply for tax incentives per the Town of Thomaston Ordinance Establishing Tax Incentives.
Thomaston Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program
This program provides loans to people on moderate incomes who seek to renovate and rehabilitate their existing homes.
you have any questions regarding the interpretation of a local land use regulation or application or you are interested in working with us on a project, contact us at (860) 354-9346. We look forward to speaking with you!
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Thomaston Building Department Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Regulations & Application Forms:
Thomaston Planning & Zoning Regulations & Application Forms:
Thomaston Health Department Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Board of Selectmen Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Zoning Board of Appeals Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Economic Development Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Public Sewer Regulations & Application Forms
Thomaston Public Works Regulations & Application Forms
Please note that you should always contact the Town of Litchfield to determine if the Regulations and/or application forms have recently changed.