Greenwich, CT House Receives Certificate of Occupancy

Greenwich, CT As-Built Survey
Greenwich, CT As-Built Survey

A certificate of occupancy was granted for a house located at Old Orchard Road in Greenwich, Conencticut.  We performed all civil engineering and surveying services associated with the project.  Roof runoff is infiltrated into an underground infiltration system thereby minimizing any impacts to the roads drainage system.  We also provided for the tie-in of the sanitary lateral and all associated grading.  A detailed grade plan analysis was performed as well along with retaining walls as needed to meet the necessary grade plane requirements.

Our firm performed the following services for this project: Property Survey, Topographic Survey, Hydrology & Stormwater Management, Stormwater System Design, Culvert Analysis & Design, Sedimentation & Erosion Control Plans, Sanitary Sewer Design, Utility Layout, Driveway Design, Local, State, & Federal Land Use Permitting. Contact us today at (860) 354-9346 to have us assist you with your next project.

Click Here to learn more about the services we offer. Arthur H. Howland & Associates, P.C. is a full service civil engineering, land surveying, land use planning and environmental services firm.