Farview Farms Has Not Gone Away

Proposed Affordable Housng Plan
Proposed Affordable Housng Plan

It was quite an evening at the Sherman Planning and Zoning Commission meeting as attorney Neil Marcus, acting for the applicant, outlined the latest plans for the Farview subdivision during an informal consultation. The Commissioners listened soberly as he gave them a lecture on his version of the legal ins and outs of affordable housing. Finally Commissioner Clay Cope asked him to present his plan and stop the dissertation.

Engineer Paul Szymanski, acting for the applicant, outlined plans for four parcels on Anderson Road all belonging to the applicant. The original plan for the 107 acre Farview parcel would remain the same and the 18 houses would each contain two units of two bedrooms each. This arrangement is because the applicant already has wetlands approval as well as health approval for the septic systems in place. 11 of the condo units would be sold below market rate and 25 at market rate. Lot #2 is apparently an iffy proposition but they will try for one more unit added to the house on the property. Lot #3 will have 10 units – 3 at below market price and Lot #4 will have 14 units – 4 at below market price. These last 3 lots will have units of three bedrooms each. The map shows a total of 150 bedrooms. Mr Szymanski passed out pictures of three story buildings with very little setback that he claimed was indicative of what they plan to build.

Attorney Marcus explained that the CT Statutes require each municipality to have 10% of its housing stock in affordable housing. Under the Statute for developments with units that are priced at 70% market or luxury and 30% affordable, the developer only has to uphold health and safety regulations. Town regulations for setback and density do not hold up in court according to Mr Marcus-but there is room for negotiation. Affordable housing is usually priced with a State formula taking into consideration area prices. This would be approximately in the $250, 000 to $400,000 range in Sherman depending on size.

Chairman David Hopkins asked Mr Marcus what his next step would be and he said that they plan to make four separate applications for the housing. He indicated that they have no choice since the Farview application was turned down and they would have to reapply under four acre zoning regulations.

By Carol Faure – Citizen News